
Dva Volka - Two Wolves

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HardHeartedRedRabbit's avatar

Literature Text

The silence of the forest was broken only by the sound of crickets as their mating calls filled the air. Somewhere off in the distance a thunderstorm rattles and shakes the mighty woodlands with an impressive crack of its mighty whip. Life is so simple and serene in Nature's magnificent playground. The kiss of the full moon shines upon the ground in the warmth of a mid-summer's night.

A lone black wolf steps from the shadows, its emerald eyes glowing in the darkness of the night. Stealthily it steps through the brush tiptoeing carefully around branches and leaves, making nigh a sound. A late night stroll through his gilded kingdom. He walks between the light of the moon and the shadows of the night. With steady pauses and long strides he treads quickly but quietly through his domain. Reaching his destination before a small pool at the base of a woodland waterfall, he bows his head before the moon to sip from nature's fountain of life.

As he laps water from the pool, a figure watches from within the shadows. Casting the glow of two blue eyes it watches him with steady intrigue and a loving gaze. Lifting his head up to howl at the moon, the figure charges forth and tackles him to the ground.

He snarls and growls as he's knocked to his side. Rolling back onto his feet, he growls at the shadowy figure. It steps forward into the light of the moon, the glint of its white fur catches his eyes as a familiar scent fills his nostrils. The white wolf steps out of the shadows, her blue eyes looking upon him with mischief and pride. Staring upon her, they lock eyes and she nuzzles into his chest.

She had been watching him carefully as he crept through the woods. Following close behind as he made his way to the pool she knew the moment had come. The excitement filling in her heart, she lunged forth. Tackling him to the ground and taking her beloved by surprise. Nuzzling behind each others ears they lay upon the ground. Getting lost in each others' eyes as they lay beside the tranquil waters of the pool. The moon casts its omnipotent reflection upon the dancing tide, sending shards of lunar light to dance around them.

Two lovers laying in peaceful serenity beside the heart of the forest. Licking at each other and cuddling in the most sincerest of loving devotion. Their hearts beat at the same pace as they slowly fall asleep in each others warmth beneath a blanket of glistening stars and shimmering moon light.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the chaos of life that we forget, the most treasured of moments are that of the most simple events.

Simple serenity and peace of mind,
and a Love to light the way.
Run far in peace with Weren kind,
and never lose yourself astray.

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